M. Sc. Marlene Meyer

Marlene Meyer graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. She then studied for a Master's degree in Information Systems at the University of Hohenheim, graduating in 2020.

From December 2019 to March 2022, Marlene Meyer worked as a research assistant at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences as part of a research project on security concepts for Industry 4.0. She worked on developing concepts and implementing modules for various security mechanisms. Her master's thesis at the Chair of Intelligent Information Systems addressed the topic "Systematic comparison and evaluation of methods for threat and risk analysis of IT security in Industry 4.0".

She has been working as a research assistant at the Chair of Intelligent Information Systems since December 2019 and has been doing her doctorate on the topic of individualised training of negotiation strategies in electronic negotiations since April 2022. Her research interests lie in the areas of software development, e-negotiations, negotiation strategies, personalised training, and artificial intelligence.

She has been working in software development already since her bachelor's degree. She has been the technical lead of the software development team at the Chair of Intelligent Information Systems since May 2020. In addition to autonomous implementation, she designs and prioritises features, guides employees, as well as reviews and optimises implemented code.

From October to November 2023, Marlene Meyer worked with Prof. Rudolf Vetschera as part of a research stay in Vienna.

Marlene Meyer primarily teaches software development and IT fundamentals. In addition to her work at the Chair of Intelligent Information Systems, Marlene Meyer has held a teaching position at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University since October 2022.


TitleYearLiterature TypeAuthors

An Artefact for Self-Reflection in E-Negotiation Training
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation

2024Contribution to conferenceMarlene Meyer, Mareike Schoop

Taxonomy of Styles, Strategies, and Tactics in E-Negotiations
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 478)

2023Lecture NotesMarlene Meyer, Mareike Schoop
An Explorative Study of the Usage of Negotiation Styles in Higher Education
Proceedings of the 27th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2022Contribution to conference Marlene Meyer
Systematic Comparison of Methods in Threat and Risk Analysis of ICT Security in Industry 4.0
Proceedings of the 26th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2021Contribution to conferenceMarlene Meyer, Mareike Schoop, Dominik Schoop

Gamified Feedback in Electronic Negotiation Training
Proceedings of the 25th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference

2020Contribution to conferenceMarlene Meyer, Andreas Schmid, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop

Intelligent Information Systems (580A) [Scientific staff]
Phone: +49 (0)711 459 23239
Schwerzstraße 40 (Schloss, Osthof-Nord), 4.32/023