Status current
Project begin 01.05.2009
Keywords E-Commerce
Basic Concept
The objectives of supporting negotiations electronically are reached by integrating semantic webtechnologies, amongst others. Text message contents are semi-automatically assigned to well-defined concepts, what can reduce misunderstandings. Further, intentions are made explicit by the sender by pragmatic enrichment - hence, it is always transparent whether a message is meant e.g. as a formal offer (offer) or an informal question (question). Moreover, functions like generating contracts or intelligent search are facilitated.
The system is rooted in the "language-action perspective" (Searle/ Habermas) and therefore focuses on the support of communication processes. It also integrates analytic functions, though, comparable with those of the well-knownInspire Systembut relying on semantic annotations. E.g. based on a hybrid conjoint approach, the system can estimate the utility values for offers made during a negotiation process.
Negoisst Features
What does the Negoisst system provide in detail? How can I use it and which functionality does the system have?
Overview of the most important features:
- Flexible web-application
- Bilateral, asynchronous negotiations (like email)
- free text
- mature communication model, intention of a message is made explicit
- strict separation of binding and non-binding (coffee bar) interaction by message types
- semi-structured communication, natural language messages are enriched with references to the agenda what facilitates automatic processing and evaluation of the message (see video)
- integration of message and document view - automatically generated contracts refer to individual decisions in the negotiation process (see DOC.COM framework)
- agenda can be extended dynamically
- diverse set-up and analytic tools for negotiation group exercises
- integrated negotiation agents - decision processes can be automated for respective negotiation tasks such as training
- Decision support
- scoring model for offers
- easy to trace
- changes of model possible at any time
- live update of evaluations during message writing
Negoisst Technology
- Dynamic protocols
- OWLintegration - store and use mutual "understanding" of the negotiation parties (based on JENA API)
- AJAX-enabled - important information is always up-to-date
- Flexible Java implementation
- 100% open source - all components stem from the OpenSource community, thank you!
Involved persons
Involved institutions
- Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
- Fg. Wirtschaftsinformatik und Intelligente Systeme
- Institut für Interorganizational Management & Performance
Publications in the course of the project
- Gamification of Electronic Negotiation Training: Effects on Motivation, Behaviour and Learning
2022: Andreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
- Analytical Comparison of Clustering Techniques for the Recognition of Communication Patterns
2021: Muhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
- Maintenance of Data Richness in Business Communication Data
2020: Muhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
- Gamifying Electronic Negotiation Training - A Mixed Methods Study of Students' Motivation, Engagement and Learning
2020: Andreas Schmid, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
- Gamified Feedback in Electronic Negotiation Training
2020: Marlene Meyer, Andreas Schmid, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
- Data Quality and Information Loss in Standardised Interpolated Path Analysis – Quality Measures and Guidelines
2019: Annika Lenz, Muhammed-Fatih Kaya, Philipp Melzer, Andreas Schmid
- A Framework for Gamified Electronic Negotiation Training
2019: Andreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
- Application of Data Mining Methods for Pattern Recognition in Negotiation Support Systems Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
2019: Muhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
- Why can’t we settle again? Analysis of factors that influence agreement prospects in the post-settlement phase
2016: Johannes Gettinger, Michael Filzmoser, Sabine Koeszegi
- Supporting Communication, Decisions, and Document Management in Electronic Negotiations – The System Negoisst
2011: Mareike Schoop, Andreas Reiser, Alexander Dannenmann
- Negotiation Support Functionality in Business Communication Applications - a Case-Based Evaluation
2011: Robert Elsler, Malte Horstmann, Michael Körner, Mareike Schoop
- Negolook: Integrating client-side electronic negotiation support into business communication systems
2010: Robert Elsler, Malte Horstmann, Michael Körner, Andreas Reiser, Katja Duckek, Mareike Schoop
- Negoisst - Sophisticated Support for Electronic Negotiations
2010: Mareike Schoop, Andreas Reiser, Katja Duckek, Alexander Dannenmann
- Support of Complex Electronic Negotiations
2010: Mareike Schoop
- Negoisst: A Negotiation Support System for Electronic Business-to-Business Negotiations in E-Commerce
2003: Mareike Schoop, Aida Jertila, Thomas List
- DOC.COM: a framework for effective negotiation support in electronic marketplaces
2001: Mareike Schoop, Christoph Quix