
Digital Business Management (DBM)Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI)Wirtschaftspädagogik (WiPäd)Wirtschaftswissenschaften (WiWi)
1. Semester

Operational Information Systems
(BIM, , P)

Introduction to Information Systems
(EWI, , P)
Operational Information Systems
(BIM, , P)
Operational Information Systems
(BIM, , P)
2. SemesterApplied Artificial Intelligence
(AAI, , P)
Applied Artificial Intelligence
(AAI, , P)
3. SemesterProgramming and Program Development
(PPE, , P)
Introduction to Databases
(IDB, , P)
4. Semester


5. SemesterProject Information Systems
(PSWI, , W)
Programming and Program Development
(PPE, , W)
6. SemesterBachelorthesis
(BA, /)

Profile Seminar Project Information Systems
(PSB, , WP)

(BA, /)

Profile Seminar Project Information Systems
(PSB, , WP)

(BA, /)

 Legende: -German; -English; P-Compulsory module; W-Choice module; WP-Elective module


In order to be allowed to write your Bachelor's thesis at the Chair of Information Systems and Intelligent Systems, you must have completed the seminar on scientific work.