Prof. Dr. Mareike Schoop


Prof. Dr. Mareike Schoop ist seit 2004 Lehrstuhlinhaberin des Lehrstuhls Wirtschaftsinformatik und Intelligente Systeme an der Universität Hohenheim. Als Gastprofessorin hat sie 2012 an der University of Oxford, UK, und 2009 an der Technischen Universität in Wien, Österreich, geforscht.

Nach Ihrem Informatikstudium an der Universität Hildesheim promovierte sie im Jahr 1999 an der Universität in Manchester zum Thema "Effective Multidisciplinary Communication– A Language-Action Approach to Cooperative Documentation Systems." Ihre Dissertation wurde als eine der weltweit Top 5 Disserationen in Information Systems vom ICIS Doctoral Dissertation Competition ausgewählt. Nach der Promotion kehrte sie nach Deutschland zurück und habilitierte sich 2003 an der RWTH Aachen. Ihre Habilitationsschrift „Business Communication in Electronic Commerce" wurde mit dem Friedrich-Wilhelm Preis der Universität Aachen ausgezeichnet.

Es folgten Rufe an die Universität Koblenz, an die Universität Hohenheim und an die Universität Wien. Seit 2004 leitet Frau Prof. Dr. Schoop den Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Intelligente Systeme (ehemals Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik I) an der Universität Hohenheim.  Von 2003 bis 2008 leitete sie Emmy-Noether-Forschungsgruppe, zunächst an der RWTH Aachen und ab 2004 an der Universität Hohenheim.

Ihr besonderes Forschungsinteresse gilt dem unternehmensübergreifenden Kommunikations- und Informationsmanagement. Sie forscht zu den Themengebieten elektronischen Verhandlungen, Verhandlungsunterstützungssysteme, innovative Lernformen, Learning Analytics, Modellierung und Evaluation von Kommunikationsprozessen und Semantic/ Pragmatic Web.



Eine Liste mit allen Publiktionen finden Sie hier.


Eine literaturbasierte Analyse von Anwendungspotenzialen der Blockchain Technologie in der Spieleindustrie

Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik


Alen Arifi, Josepha Witt, Mareike Schoop

Blockchain Technology Application Domains along the E-Commerce Value Chain - A Qualitative Content Analysis of News Articles
2024ZeitschriftenbeitragJosepha Witt, Mareike Schoop
(Generative) AI Competencies for Future-Proof Graduates2024Whitepaper

Henner Gimpel, Niklas Gutheil, Valentin Mayer, Matthias Bandtel, Marion Büttgen, Stefan Decker,  Torsten Eymann, Simon Feulner, Muhammed Fatih Kaya, Marie Kufner, Niklas Kühl, Luis Lämmermann, Alexander Maedche, Caroline Ruiner, Mareike Schoop, Nils Urbach

An Integrative Model of AI Competencies for Business Students and Where to Acquire Them
Wirtschaftsinformatik 2023 Proceedings, 240
2023KongressbeitragMuhammed-Fatih Kaya, Christopher Zirnig, Marah Blaurock, Felix Zechiel, Mareike Schoop

The More the Merrier? A Machine Learning Analysis of Information Growth in Negotiation Processes
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 478)

2023BuchbeitragMuhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop

Taxonomy of Styles, Strategies, and Tactics in E-Negotiations
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 478)

2023BuchbeitragMarlene Meyer, Mareike Schoop
Blockchain technology in e-business value chains
Electronic Markets
2023ZeitschriftenbeitragJosepha Witt, Mareike Schoop
Potentials of Chatbot Technologies for Higher Education: A Systematic Review
Proceedings of the 27th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2022KongressbeitragStefan Ullmann, Mareike Schoop
Gamification of Electronic Negotiation Training: Effects on Motivation, Behaviour and Learning
Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation
2022ZeitschriftenbeitragAndreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
Analytical Comparison of Clustering Techniques for the Recognition of Communication Patterns
Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation
2021ZeitschriftenbeitragMuhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
Scaling with an Agile Mindset – A Conceptual Approach to Large-Scale Agile
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2021
2021KongressbeitragAzuka Mordi, Mareike Schoop
Systematic Comparison of Methods in Threat and Risk Analysis of ICT Security in Industry 4.0
Proceedings of the 26th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2021KongressbeitragMarlene Meyer, Mareike Schoop, Dominik Schoop
Are you for real? A Negotiation Bot for Electronic Negotiations
Proceedings of the 26th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2021KongressbeitragAndreas Schmid, Oliver Kronberger, Niklas Vonderach, Mareike Schoop
Teaching and Learning During the Pandemic – Investigating Lecturers’ Experiences in Higher Education
Proceedings of the 26th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2021KongressbeitragStefan Ullmann, Konstantin Knaus, Andreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
Negotiation communication revisited
Cent Eur J Oper Res (2021)
2021ZeitschriftenbeitragMareike Schoop
Negoisst: Complex Digital Negotiation Support
Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation
2020BuchbeitragMareike Schoop
MAKING IT TANGIBLE – Creating a Definition of Agile Mindset
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2020
2020KongressbeitragAzuka Mordi, Mareike Schoop
Maintenance of Data Richness in Business Communication Data
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2020
2020KongressbeitragMuhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
Gamifying Electronic Negotiation Training - A Mixed Method Study of Students' Motivation, Engagement and Learning
European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2020
2020KongressbeitragAndreas Schmid, Philipp Melzer, Schoop Mareike
Data Quality and Information Loss in Standardised
Interpolated Path Analysis – Quality Measures and Guidelines
23rd UK Academy for Information Systems International Conference
2019KongressbeitragAnnika Lenz, Muhammed Kaya, Philipp Melzer, Andreas Schmid, Josepha Witt, Mareike Schoop
A Framework for Gamified Electronic Negotiation Training
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 351
2019KongressbeitragAndreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
Application of Data Mining Methods for Pattern Recognition in Negotiation Support System
Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 351
2019KongressbeitragMuhammed-Fatih Kaya, Mareike Schoop
Using a Quantified-Self App to Personalise Learning – A Comparison of Visualisations for the Evaluation of the Learning Process
Proceedings of the 24th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2019KongressbeitragJosepha Witt, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Assessment of Multi-Criteria Preference Measurement Methods for a Dynamic Environment
52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2019 [accepted]
2019 Kongressbeitrag Annika Lenz, Mareike Schoop
A Cultural Perspective on Personalized eLearning - Designing Corporate Trainings for Chinese Learners
Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2018
2018 Kongressbeitrag Daniela Mösle, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Agility in Information Systems - A Literature Review on Terms and Definitions
Proceedings of the 23rd UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2018Kongressbeitrag Amelie Schirrmacher, Mareike Schoop
Der Einsatz digitaler Lernumgebungen in einem personalisierten Flipped Classroom – Herausforderungen und Lösungen
Fachtagung #LearnMap
2018Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
HohLearn - Mobiles Lernen mit elektronischen Karteikarten über Ilias
Tagungsband DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) P-284
2018Kongressbeitrag Markus Ganzert, Stefan Huber, Philipp Melzer, Bernd Schneider, Mareike Schoop, Matthias Stürner
Inherent Game Characteristics of Electronic Negotiations
Proceedings of the 23rd UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference
2018Kongressbeitrag Andreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop
The Interplay of Presence and Online Learning in a Personalised Flipped Classroom
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Paper, IS Education & Curriculum (accepted for publication)
2018Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Unterstützungspotenziale des Quantified-Self-Ansatzes im selbstregulierten personalisierten Lernen
Tagungsband DeLFI 2018 - Die 16. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) P-284
2018Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Bernd Schneider, Mareike Schoop
Adoption, Usage, and Pedagogy of E-Learning Tools in University Teaching
UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2017, Paper 19
2017 Kongressbeitrag Markus Ganzert, Stefan Huber, Muhammed Kaya, Serkan Sepin, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Classifying Electronic Negotiations Based on Their Communicational Content
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
2017 Kongressbeitrag Michael Körner, Mareike Schoop
Decision Problems in Requirements Negotiations - Identifying the Underlying Structures
Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective
2017Buchbeitrag Annika Lenz, Mareike Schoop
Does Trusting Behaviour Pay in Electronic Negotiations?
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
2017 Kongressbeitrag Muhammed Kaya, Michael Körner, Annika Lenz, Philipp Melzer, Serkan Sepin, Andreas Schmid, Mareike Schoop, Per van der Wijst
Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective
17th International Conference on Group Decisions and Negotiation
2017 Kongressbeitrag Mareike Schoop, D. Marc Kilgour
Personalising the IS Classroom - Insights on Course Design and Implementation
Proceedings of European Conference for Information Systems (ECIS) 2017
2017 Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation 2017 Kongressbeitrag Mareike Schoop, D. Marc Kilgour
Towards a Holistic Evaluation Concept for Personalised Learning in Flipped Classrooms
UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2017, Paper 21
2017 Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Effekte mobiler Audience Response Systeme in der universitären Lehre am Beispiel von eKARuS
Tagungsband Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2016: Research-in-Progress- und Poster-Beiträge
2016 Kongressbeitrag Matti Klinsmann, Philipp Melzer, Bernd Schneider, Mareike Schoop
Electronic Requirements Negotiation – A Literature Survey on the State-of-the-Art
UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2016
2016 Kongressbeitrag Annika Lenz, Mareike Schoop, Georg Herzwurm
How Do University Students Select and Use their Learning Tools? - A Mixed-Method Study on Personalised Learning
UK Academy for Information Systems Conference Proceedings 2016.
2016 Kongressbeitrag Patrick Gross, Andreas Schmid, Johannes Gettinger, Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Learning under the Dreaming Spires - Personalisation in Oxford Tutorials
UK Academy of Information Systems Annual Conference
2016 Kongressbeitrag Mareike Schoop, Christine M Booth
Mutual Understanding in e-Negotiations
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI)
2016 Kongressbeitrag Simon Bumiller, Mareike Schoop
The Effects of Personalised Negotiation Training on Learning and Performance in Electronic Negotiations
Group Decision and Negotiation
2016 Zeitschriftenbeitrag (peer-reviewed) Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
The Role of Communication to Reduce Conflicts in Negotiations and Mediations
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation
2016 Kongressbeitrag Johannes Gettinger, Mareike Schoop
A Conceptual Framework for Task and Tool Personalisation in IS Education
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Paper, IS Education & Curriculum. Paper 6
2015Kongressbeitrag Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Securing e-negotiation deals
27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)
2015KongressbeitragMareike Schoop, Dominik Schoop

Personality-based versus task-based factors as indicators for personalised learning environments
Proceedings of the 20th UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) International Conference



Philipp Melzer, Mareike Schoop
Ontologies in E-Negotiations
The 15th International Conference of Group Decision & Negotiation Letters
2015Kongressbeitrag Mareike Schoop, Simon Bumiller, Marc Fernandes