Research News

Accepted Contributions at ECIS 2020 [22.05.2020]

We are pleased to be represented at this years digital European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020),with several research contributions. The Conference is taking place from June 15th, 2020 - June 17th, 2020.more

Participation Conference at Conference of the United Kingdom Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS) 2020 [12.05.2020]

Marlene Meyer presented a joined Contribution with Dr. Philipp Melzer, Andreas Schmid and Prof. Mareike Schoop at the Conference, with the Topic "Gamified Feedback in Electronic Negotiation Training".more

Successful disputation at the field Information Systems 1 [28.01.2020]

Ms. Annika Lenz successfully passed her doctoral examination and thus completed her doctoratemore

New Release in the series Hohenheimer Discussion Paper in Business, Economics and Social Sciences is now available online [21.01.2020]

A new Article in the Discussion Paper series has been relesed. Issue 08-2019 by Annika Lenz, Muhammed Kaya, Philipp Melzer, Andreas Schmid, Josepha Witt und Mareike Schoop (580A)more

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